sabato 15 settembre 2012

Year 2008

I will start with 2008. I moved to Italy in 2007 and that was the last time i went to a salon to cut my hair. Everytime i was going back home disappointed and with the need to adjust something. Everytime i was asking for a kind of haircut and getting something different. I know well that a hairdresser has to listen to the client and after doing what he/she think is best for the client, but always consulting first. Never happend that to me.
So here are some pictures from 2008, the ones i could saved after my pc crashed 2 months ago. 
They are in order from the begging of the year at the end.


So that's how my hairstyle changed during one year. First short and brown-red. Then bangs, then no bangs, then bob and dark-brown, that on me seems almost black.
I don't know if u can noticed also my face a bit changed, the reason: i was pregnant;) Can u see it?
Curios about 2009?? Read my next post.

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