sabato 15 settembre 2012

Year 2011

I was shocked myself when i saw this album with my hair so long and with the changes.
It was a beautiful year with new ideas and new hairstyles and braids and buns that before it was impossible to make them.
I like having long hair, but i will be honest and tell you that sometimes i miss having short hair. There are days that i am "now i will cut my hair short" and then think "no no, don't do it! look how many ideas you can make having long hair". And that's true:)
Bangs are back, but not for too long hehehe.

With a longer hair, i was more interested in wavy/curly hair.

Then straight hair with some nice braids.

Summer arrived, lighter colour arrived. That's how it works for me. I like a light colour during summer and a darker one during cold weather:P

Again wavy, looking so nice with highlights and bronzed skin. I so love summer.

Bangs again...only because summer was ending and because i needed a change :P

I simply can't resist with the same hairstyle, haircut and colour for more than i don't know 2 months.
It's not that i can't decide, it's just that i like so much working/playing with hair and if i can do it myself to myself, why not?? 
I am a hairdresser and i am the perfect example of my work.
Next post it will not be year 2012, it will be new ideas for a medium-long hair. Ideas that i used in 2011.
Let's go on and see.

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